Thursday, April 15, 2010

Yanna and Allyn's Summer Class

Yanna's summer class for Reading started yesterday and I was supposed to post this blog last night but thanks to my verrrrry intermittent connection, I wasn't able to! (Note to GLOBE. You only made me experience superb and fast connection in my first couple of months with you,guys, and after that your service is just going downhill,man!)

Anyway, Yanna and her younger cousin, Allyn, are classmates. I'm excited for both of them cause I know they'll enjoy each other's company like they always do eversince. Or so I thought. Later that afternoon, I overheard Allyn ask Yanna if I already know that her (Yanna) lip bled when they were at school.

Of course, I immediately reacted and asked Yanna what happened. Well, according to Allyn's own account, Yanna's lip bled because her face was too close to their table when Allyn tried to move it closer towards them. Sigh, so young but so good at twisting the story to make it sound like it wasn't her fault. Simply Adorable!

I took all of these pictures when we were headed home. The sun was scorching hot. I've never felt a summer season as hot as this one now. I thought the hottest was when I was still pregnant with Yanna. But this melting point summer hotness totally beats it. Phew!